The Carman Choir

Music has always been and continues to be an important part of Carman United Church and the Carman Choir has been a big part of that throughout the years. Our Choir has many devoted members – some have been with us for over 40 years! Most Sundays we present a …..

Prayer Circle

A quiet time of worship and reflection with silence, singing, and candlelight. Prayer requests are welcomed. The service takes place in the sanctuary which is accessible by the side door labeled 3 or choir. This service is open to anyone seeking a Spiritual relationship with God. Most services will be …..

Bible Study

Bible Study is Wednesdays at 1:00 PM in the nursery/multi-purpose room beginning September 14th, 2022. Bring a Bible or borrow a Bible to explore with us the scripture passages used during Sunday worship. Some criticize the United Church for not being Biblical, but that is not true. We take the …..

Healing Pathway

Healing Pathway ministry is grounded in the teachings of Jesus, in our Christian faith and in the ancient traditions of hands on healing as portrayed in the scriptures and reflected in almost every major religion. Several United Church congregations throughout BC and Canada offer this ministry. The same program has …..