Namrac (United Church Women’s Group)

Namrac - Carman United Church Women's Group dinner

Namrac, which is Carman spelled backwards, is Carman’s UCW (United Church Women) group. The group, which is open to all women of the congregation, meets in the Lounge on the first Tuesday morning of each month to share a time of devotions and fellowship and to learn about a variety of relevant & interesting topics. Topics have included such things as chair yoga, container gardening, self management programs for chronic conditions, and services offered by a variety of community groups including Project A.I.M., Heather’s Hope Chest, Chilliwack Seniors Resources Society and Lions Clubs.

In addition to catering for memorial teas held at the church this hard working, fun loving group undertakes several fundraising events each year including a spaghetti dinner, an antipasto and bake sale, puzzle sales, a pancake supper and a trunk sale. These events are always well supported by the congregation and allow Namrac to generously contribute funds to the Carman Operating Account, the United Church of Canada Mission and Service Fund and numerous community organizations.